Join our CYIA Support Squad!Learn more by clicking on a picture below.

 CYIA™ is the CEF® summer program where high school and college age students (ages 15-22) are trained to conduct a 5-Day Club®. After two weeks of intensive training, these summer missionaries conduct three 5-Day Club® sessions a day primarily in Greenville and occasionally in Anderson, Oconee, and Pickens counties during June and July.

These students impact the lives of hundreds of children, many for eternity. Meanwhile, their own spiritual lives are also dramatically changed as they discover how God has gifted them in areas of teaching and evangelism. Many will eventually go on to become educators, pastors and missionaries. Students will also develop teamwork and interpersonal skills by working closely with other summer missionaries and a dedicated and caring staff, becoming part of the CEF® family.

With questions or to learn more contact the CYIA coordinator, Joel Cook

Office: 864.292.5842 | Cell: 864.787.5432 | Email:

Middle schoolers (11-14) can participate as Jr CYIAers who attend Everest training school and commit to at least 2 weeks of teaching minor roles in 5 day club!


A commitment to the dates listed below is required. Please contact us with any conflicts or questions.

TBD Interviews, CEF Office
May 10 9:00 AM– 3:00 PM Pre-Training, CEF Office
May 29 Wordless Book Checkpoint
June 5 9:00 AM-6:00 PM Day Apart, CEF Office
June 7-14 Training Camp, CIU
June 16-20 Observation Clubs, CEF Office and Club Locations
June 23-27
July 7-11
July 14-18
July 21-25
Weeks for 5-Day Club®, Club Locations
July 24 7:00 PM – 8:30 PM CYIA End of the Year Celebration, Location TBD
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 Visit our state site to learn more about CYIA.