The Impact of God’s Word: Brayden’s Story

This spring, Brayden, a fifth-grade boy at Hollis Academy, joined Good News Club for the first time. Every week, he eagerly participated, excited to learn. During Grade Shepherding time—the small group segment at the beginning of the Club where students catch up with their Grade Shepherds (dedicated volunteers), share prayer requests, enjoy a snack, and work on their JAM UP sheets (Jesus and Me focused activity sheets)—Brayden built a strong relationship with his leader, Bill. He steadily grew in his understanding of God's Word. 

One night, while a storm raged outside, Brayden felt anxious and afraid, worrying that a tree might fall on his house. In the midst of his fear, he remembered the memory verse he'd been learning in Good News Club: 

"Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding.In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths." 

— Proverbs 3:5-6 

Through songs, interactive teaching, games, and reciting Scripture during Good News Club, Brayden had hidden God's Word in his heart. Recalling God's promise brought him peace in that frightening moment. The following week at Good News Club, Brayden excitedly shared with Bill how the verse had comforted him and helped him trust God through the storm. 

Last week, Brayden graduated from Good News Club and received a Bible to accompany him into sixth grade. His story beautifully illustrates why memorizing Scripture matters—not merely as words to recall but as truth to rely on in everyday life. 

Why Grade Shepherding Matters: Grade Shepherding time is more than just a small group gathering; it's where genuine connections form. It's where kids feel known, encouraged, and supported. Volunteers like Bill faithfully invest in children each week, building relationships that nurture faith. 

Thank you for helping make stories like Brayden's possible! Please pray that he continues to grow in his faith and that many more children will experience the life-changing power of God's Word through Good News Club. 

*Names and photo changed for privacy  

Stepping Out in Faith: How God is Moving Through Good News Clubs

Three years ago, Jimmy and Jennifer Maurer returned to Greenville from Kansas City and settled at Jones Avenue Baptist Church in Easley. Not long after they arrived, the couple became part of the launch team for the Good News Club at West End Elementary in Easley. Just one year later, they stepped into leadership, coordinating the club.   

For Jimmy and Jennifer, the Good News Club is more than just a weekly gathering—it’s an opportunity to build deep relationships in their community and share Jesus' love. Along with their team and church, they’ve embraced the entire school community, supporting students, teachers, and administrators through meals, school projects, and consistent encouragement. The school staff and children have become family to these dedicated volunteers.  

As for the impact? It’s undeniable. God is at work in this club. Children are hearing the Gospel, families are finding church community, and lives are being transformed by the Gospel. One of the most recent stories is that of a family of seven whose journey started when four of their children joined the West End Good News Club. Their involvement in the club led them to visit Jones Avenue Baptist Church, where God continued to move in their hearts. Soon, the entire family made life-changing decisions to be baptized and become church members.  

Since then, their transformation has been remarkable. The parents have become active in the church ministries; the mother is now a Sunday School teacher, and the father is a part of the church’s security team. Their children continue to grow in their faith—three have joined the church’s youth ministry, while the two youngest remain actively engaged in the Good News Club. This family has become a blessing to their church, glorifying God through their service.  

For Jimmy, volunteering in Good News Club has deepened his faith, allowing him to witness the goodness of God in ways he has never seen before. Jennifer treasures the moments when children truly grasp the life-changing gift of the Gospel.  

God is at work at the West End Good News Club through the volunteers that serve so faithfully. Their story is a powerful reminder that when we step out in faith to serve, God moves. Through the dedication of volunteers like Jimmy and Jennifer, Good News Clubs continue to spread the Good News of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.   


This month, we celebrate and appreciate our volunteers who make Good News Clubs possible. Will you join us in praying for them as they serve? 


Important Ministry Update

 Dear Friends of CEF,

The year 2023 has been full of exciting changes. In December of 2022 the Lord began giving me some discernible lessons in His timing and in my own ability to trust His timing. I have had a ring-side seat for months watching Him work, mastering details and timetables in ways that I could not. I never dreamed that as I watched and trusted, that the coming changes would be so personal. Alas, in all that has happened with CEF ®, God has shown me that my time with the ministry has come to an end.

I believe God has called me to a different ministry opportunity through my church, so I am stepping away from CEF. While this change has brought an abundance of emotions and questions, I am assured that God’s planning can be not only trusted, but also celebrated. He is doing a new thing that is better than we might ask or imagine. As I step away from CEF leadership, God has put into place a leader with whom most of you are familiar, Kinley Prince. God has prepared Kinley for this season and knowingly placed him at the helm of CEF to move the ministry forward.

I am grateful for my time with CEF, and I am so excited for the future of this ministry! Thank you for praying for, supporting, and loving the ministry during my tenure. It has been my privilege to labor alongside each partner of this ministry and I look forward to seeing His continued work in CEF. May you each be richly blessed by His mercies.

Ephesians 2:10- “For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them.”


Lisa Yerrick

My Fellow Partners in Ministry,

Someone recently asked me what I liked most about working with CEF ®. I excitedly began to share about an exceptional and sacrificial staff, exciting and unparalleled ministry programs, an outstanding and genuinely caring volunteer base, gracious and generous donors, and encouraging supporters. Their reply to me was simple and humorous: “So… everything?” Well, to answer truthfully, yes! I love everything about the ministry of Child Evangelism Fellowship®!

I have been a part of almost every CEF ministry— from the age of 11 years old when I was enrolled in a local Good News Club®, to high school and college where I spent five summers participating in the Christian Youth in Action®, program, to coming on staff with CEF full time 10 years ago. The Lord has used almost every ministry of CEF to influence my life in some way, and I am humbled and honored by the opportunity to now serve Him by leading the Greenville/Piedmont Chapter.

The word “change” usually does not instill feelings of comfort and relaxation. The past few months have certainly brought some big changes for our chapter of CEF, with the move to a new office space for the first time in 18 years. I am personally thankful that we can rest in a loving God who never changes – ever! Hebrews 13:8 reminds us that, “Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever.” He never changes; therefore, His purposes never change.

I am looking forward to working and serving with each of you in this new role of Local Director. We are partners in ministry. Whether you have partnered with us financially, voluntarily, or prayerfully, we can continue to work together, despite a changing world, to bring hope to the children. Every child, every nation, every day.

Grace & Peace,

Kinley Prince

We found a new home!

Dear Ministry Partner, 

Our moving process is coming along very smoothly, and we would like to keep you updated as our move-in date on May 17th is quickly approaching.

We have just received our keys and our suite number! We will be located in suite 152 on 918 S. Pleasantburg Drive. 

The ministry does need your help as we make this move:

Pray as we pack up our office and move across town, while we continue to labor in each of our ministries and serve our ministry partners. 

Give towards the cost of a new office space and move. Our annual rent will be $37,000, which will be an added line item on our budget—one we know the Lord will provide for through His people. The link in our recent email may have expired, please follow this new link if you wish to give online specifically to the “2023 Relocation Fund”:

Give to our move here!

We are grateful for the involvement each of you continue to have in our reaching children for Christ—together. You have a part in every spiritual decision and advance made by the children we serve. 

Thank you for your prayers & giving heart,

Lisa Yerrick, Local Director

February Prayer Newsletter

February Prayer Newsletter | CEF of SC Inc., Greenville/Piedmont Chapter 


John 13:34-35 (ESV) – “A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another: just as I have loved you, you also are to love one another. By this all people will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another.”


Valentine’s Day is celebrated in February, designated by many as the month of LOVE. We see love represented in countless ways in our world. I recently read a historical account that to me is a beautiful example of love for mankind.


As a member of a book-club my favorite genre is historical fiction. We recently read a book about the German occupation of Denmark during WWII. I have enjoyed reading various stories about this widespread war. I’m fascinated with the many and diverse stories of ordinary people doing extraordinary things to preserve life, to protect, to provide, and to survive in the face of hate and evil.


Denmark was no exception and has a quite unique story. While especially small, the country took action to protect their citizens so that 90 percent of the Jewish Danes survived the Holocaust. It is an incredible story because it all happened very organically. There was no pre-determined course of action. Word was leaked that Nazis were going to capture all the Danish Jews (about 7,000) within a fast-approaching window of time. Within hours of that news, the Jewish and non-Jewish citizens sprang into spontaneous activity. The non-Jewish citizens began moving people into hiding, providing food, shelter, and encouragement at great risk for their own lives.


I am taken aback by what regular people will do for others in the face of tragedy or impending danger. There are many examples throughout history of great sacrifices made from love for others. Love is the only thing that can provide that kind of motivation.


Jesus was once asked, what the greatest commandment was. He was being asked by people who were experts in the law trying to trap him. His response was surprising–– he said, “Love.” To summarize what Jesus said in Matthew 22, most importantly is to love God with all that you are, and secondly is to love people the same way you love yourself. In John 13 (above) Jesus is telling his disciples about love. He did not suggest to his followers that we love –– he commanded it. He said that is what would make his followers stand out . . . not great sermons, not outstanding achievements, not deep wisdom of scripture, not impeccable discipline, and rule-keeping, but one simple thing. Love.


It is harder to find examples of sacrificial love in everyday life. I wonder why it takes tragedy, destruction, and disaster for people to spring into action for their fellow man? Such circumstances certainly have a way of uniting people, but tragic circumstances surround us all the time. Do we show love for the homeless person in the cold? Or the elderly in isolation? Or those who do not have enough to eat? Or the irritating and opinionated neighbor? Or children who are loud, and messy? Or the poor? Notice that Jesus’ commandment to love did not include any parameters around who to love. He didn’t say to love just those who look like we do. Or those who don’t pose a threat to us. Or those who agree with our religious or political bent. Or those who do not need anything from us. Or those who speak the same language. He said to love everyone because then people will know we belong to him.


When Jesus faced impending death, no one, not even his closest friends defended him – they ran away and hid in fear. They denied that they knew him. Knowing that he was going to suffer terrible physical pain, abandonment, public humiliation, and a tortured death ––Jesus said nothing to his accusers. He did not argue or defend himself in any way. He faced his fate aloneand willingly. He laid down his life for the very people who left him, lied about him, spit on him and blamed him. THAT, my friend is the example of love to which we are called!


Those who displayed love by hiding Jews from the Nazis, if caught, would have met certain death. I wonder if you and I as believers would be evidenced guilty of love for God and for man. When others think about who loves them well, does your name come to mind? Will we one day be missed because of our generous love? Let us make every day Valentine’s Day because we live defined by our love.

For HIS glory,




·     For God’s LOVE for all mankind

·     For 1,188 volunteers currently spreading to Gospel to children

·     For over 5,000 children currently enrolled in Good News Club©



·     For God’s direction and provision for a new location for ministry offices

·     For new church partnerships to sponsor schools – churches who will say YES and rise to the opportunity to minister to children

·     For God to provide for staff vacancies

·     For unity in the body of Christ

Amazon Smile Coming to an End

For the past several years, we have participated in AmazonSmile, which allows you to make purchases as normal on Amazon and .5% of your eligible purchases will be donated directly to our ministry.

We have recently learned the news that Amazon has decided to end AmazonSmile, effective on February 20. If this is one way that you have participated in giving to our ministry, we would like to provide you with other giving opportunities to look into instead.

Give using AmazonSmile until February 20

Become a part of our Advocate’s Club!

Becoming a member of the Advocate’s Club means you will commit to giving monthly to Child Evangelism Fellowship--making a present and eternal difference.

The Legacy Society

The purpose of the Legacy Society is to recognize those individuals and families who have remembered Child Evangelism Fellowship, Greenville/Piedmont in their estate plans through some form of planned giving, making secure its ministries for generations to come.

Sponsor a CYIA Summer Missionary

Our summer missionaries all support raise to be able to serve full-time for six weeks every summer! You can make a difference this summer by supporting one of our summer missionaries.

General Giving

We can't do our work alone. We are so thankful for those who faithfully give and join us in sharing the Good News of Jesus Christ!

January Prayer Newsletter

Happy New Year! It has been a few months since I have produced a prayer newsletter. I am happy to be writing again about life and the Lord.


John 3:4 - “How can someone be born when they are old?” Nicodemus asked. “Surely they cannot enter a second time into their mother’s womb to be born!”

John 4:7-9 – “When a Samaritan woman came to draw water, Jesus said to her, “Will you give me a drink?” (His disciples had gone into the town to buy food.) The Samaritan woman said to him, “You are a Jew and I am a Samaritan woman. How can you ask me for a drink?” (For Jews do not associate with Samaritans.)”

John 11:6, 21 - “So when he heard that Lazarus was sick, he stayed where he was two more days.”  “Lord,” Martha said to Jesus, “if you had been here, my brother would not have died.”

In reflecting on the previous year, the Christmas season always seems to hold lessons for me and 2022 was no exception. Our family was excited about all the plans we made. The grandchildren were going to be at our house on Christmas morning, for the first time in a number of years. Both grown children and their spouses would be with us Christmas Day. One of our parents was visiting from New York and so dinner was planned at our house for Christmas Eve and Christmas Day. So many things to look forward to following the busy and stressful months of fall.

The holiday decorating was complete, and I was caught up in my daily Advent devotionals. I set my sights on achieving my long task list the week before Christmas. There were church services and other gatherings to attend. There were gifts to wrap, cookies to bake, friends to contact, and so much meal preparation to do. Relatives arrived and excitement grew! The house was abuzz with children, games, music, Christmas movies, whispers of secrets and wonder at what the Elf would next get into.

And, in the blink of an eye, everything changed.

The 2022 Christmas cold snap descended upon us and froze our warm hearts. A 50-degree house and no available technician to help for days, drove us from our home on Christmas Eve. We searched for space heaters, but there were none to be found. Instead of preparing Christmas Eve dinner, we prepared to leave the house. We longed to pack people around the table, instead we packed bags, and gifts, and food. We had hoped to carry on spirited conversation with our loved ones, instead, we carried disappointment and distress. Phone calls made, tempers flared, tears flowed and by day’s end, exhaustion set in. It would be days before we returned to our house (thanks to warming temperatures) and a week before a technician was able to come assess the problem.

Have you experienced disappointment, regret or stress when things don’t go as planned? There are many more details that I could share about all that went wrong with our holiday. As we got in the car to leave the house that evening, my sadness was evident on my wet cheeks, and my sweet husband said, “Lisa, God says all we need today is Him.” Even in this “first-world” kind of challenge, such a truth is easy to miss when our hearts are spun so tightly around the wrong hopes. So, amid all the mess, we chose to start seeing God in it.

In our unplanned circumstances, God showed up in numerous unplanned ways. In our search of stores for space heaters to prevent pipes from bursting, we ran into a friend from church. (You may think that isn’t odd, but I’m talking Tractor Supply on Christmas Eve!) Upon sharing what was going on with us, the friend drove to his home and retrieved a couple of space heaters and returned for our use. Our daughter’s in-laws invited us to stay with them for as long as we needed, we were with our children and grandchildren there, we had a warm bedroom in which to sleep, and we were welcomed with the love of God as if it were all planned. Relatives helped, meals were prepared elsewhere, and all the family was, in fact, together on Christmas – such blessings!

Those blessings just didn’t come packaged the way we expected, and the circumstances and timing made us very uncomfortable. Don’t you hate to be uncomfortable? I do. Granted, you and I may find comfort in very different ways, but it is something to which we cling tightly. My Christmas lesson for 2022? Hold loosely to the tidy and neatly bound packages of my expectations, and look for God in the mess because He is there as well.

Isn’t this lesson what Christ Himself was all about? From His birth to His ministry, from His lineage to His disciples, from His death to His resurrection, He was and is nothing if not unexpected. Most encounters with Christ that we read about in the Bible, were anything but comfortable. Those who clung to their rigid, self-importance, didn’t recognize the Messiah they were waiting for, and they deliberately destroyed Him.

How do you handle discomfort? It is often what it takes to dislodge attitudes, habits or comfort that begin to pull us from the true source of life. Remember this year that God is present in every circumstance, good or bad, comfortable or uncomfortable, planned or unexpected. I’ve determined to find Him because He is waiting for me there. How about you?

For HIS Glory,



  • God’s sovereignty

  • For God’s presence in all circumstance

  • For 130 volunteers in attendance of January workshops- becoming better equipped to serve God by ministering to children

  • For over 5,000 children currently enrolled in Good News Club©

Prayer Requests

  • For new church partnerships to sponsor schools – churches who will say YES and rise to the opportunity to minister to children

  • For God to provide for staff vacancies

  • For unity in the body of Christ

  • For boldness in sharing the Gospel

When God Grows Something Greater


There once was a woman who had beautiful, tall shade trees in her back yard. The shade provided such comfort and security for her and she relished her time in there. She arranged her landscaping, porch and patio area to take advantage of the shade. A variety of birds occupied the trees and she loved watching them and hearing their song. Her backyard was a place where she found rest and refuge.

After many years the trees needed to be trimmed so as not to threaten damage to the house. So she sought help to get the trees trimmed.  Through a series of miscommunications and unfortunate events, the woman came home one day to find that all the trees had been clear-cut from her back yard – chopped completely to the ground! She was devastated!

Garden Party!

Garden Party!

The absence of the trees changed everything! Without warning, the birds were gone. The scorching westerly sun made it nearly impossible to sit in the backyard at all and it changed the climate of her home. The road and other eye sores beyond the yard were now exposed and ugly—nothing was like it had been. The situation caused everything to look and feel foreign and there was no remedy; she couldn’t replace 20-year-old trees.

The woman had lost all she had worked to create for years – her place of comfort, rest and relaxation. She was sad, embarrassed at the mess and angry! She wanted to blame someone, she wanted them to pay, she wanted to move! But there was nothing to do in the short term but to just live with and adjust to her circumstances.

Several months went by and it was time to plant her vegetable garden. Within a few short weeks the garden was flourishing and strong and the woman realized that it was due to the greater sunlight and warmth.

One evening as she sat out on the porch in the heat, she noticed a brilliant sunset behind her house. She was taken with its beauty -It was golden and pink, orange and lavender, as if hand-painted by the Creator. She remembered how she had enjoyed those sunsets many years before, when the trees were not so tall that they blocked the view. Even in the midst of her loss, she knew that God was delighting her heart.

This story is a true one and describes my own experience of August 2019 – just a year ago. Where once there were beautiful, tall trees, there is now a fence. We lost about 10 feet of yard, due to property lines.


You can see now our fence and our neighbor’s tall trees that are the size ours were. But I haven’t shared my favorite result of the exposure we now live in. I walked behind the fence one afternoon and discovered this giant swath of black-eyed-susans. I planted a few of these about 15 years ago, but they had stopped coming up in the shade of the trees. I had long forgotten them. They had lain dormant in the ground for years – but once exposed to the heat and light – they burst forth in unexpected splendor! I decided to call this my secret garden. My 4-year old granddaughter loves secrets, but she can’t pronounce the word – she says “sweecret.” So now we have a Sweecret Garden that we check-out when she comes to visit. She has to pick blossoms to bring in the house for the table. What a delight to my heart!!

Granddaughter with Hydrangeas

Granddaughter with Hydrangeas

I share this story with you because it is so similar to what we have all experienced in the past year and a half. I’ll bet that you find comfort, pleasure or security in some things that you have or have built or worked for. Unexpected things have happened that have changed everything. Nothing is like what it used to be – and you are sad, tired, want to quit, want to blame or are angry. And there is nothing you can do about the situation but live with it and adjust to the current discomfort.

Friends, I believe that as followers of Christ, we have been prepared for a time such as this!  I believe that God has lovingly stripped away our shade – that place where you’ve found comfort – because there is something you can’t see beyond that. There’s something brilliantly created by HIS hand that he wants you to see.


I believe the growth of your soul is set to flourish, better and stronger – if you step into the heat and the light that couldn’t reach you in the shade.

For the children of our communities, I believe there are seeds waiting to burst forth in splendor from exposure to the light of Jesus. That there are children and families who are just waiting for something that will offer hope beyond our ugly circumstances. God wants HIS little ones to flourish in his love!

And God wants to delight your heart. I pray that you will step out of the shade into the heat that is our current reality. Will you will trade your comfort, competence, protection, predictability for a chance to see a Sweecret Garden grow in the heart of a child?  They need the light you carry and they need it now.


Lisa Yerrick

Local Director

70th Anniversary: Fountain Inn Elementary

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Celebrating the Platinum Anniversary of CEF of SC!

As we continue to celebrate the 70th Anniversary of CEF of South Carolina, we look back at our first school club that was started almost 19 years ago at Fountain Inn Elementary, shortly followed by Plain Elementary! Enjoy our virtual “scrapbook” of our early days, courtesy of Ginger Evans.

70th Anniversary Highlight: Taylor Vaughn

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2021 is the Platinum Anniversary of CEF of South Carolina!

One way we’re celebrating is to highlight one of our staff members each week. (You can read more about our 70th Anniversary on our blog here.)


This week, meet Taylor Vaughn! Taylor is one of the media coordinators at CEF Greenville and has been at the office since October of 2013. Her favorite part of working with CEF Greenville is serving with a group of people who truly feel like a family. She remembers how it felt the first time she got to lead a child to Christ in Good News Club, and still prays for that child.

She was never a summer missionary with CYIA, but had friends that served several summers and loved it! Because of them and her sister attending Good News Club, she was familiar with the ministry before coming on staff but had no clue how much goes on behind the scenes!


“I was lucky to have so many supportive and believing adults who poured into me as I was growing up. Of course, I looked up to my parents tremendously. My father taught (through actions) the importance of selflessly serving others and commitment through meeting regularly with other believers. My mom always had a kind and compassionate heart for others and shared the gift of being able to worship through music. I’m so thankful God saw fit to make them my parents!”


70th Anniversary Highlight: Jean Ballew

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2021 is the Platinum Anniversary of CEF of South Carolina!

One way we’re celebrating is to highlight one of our staff members each week. (You can read more about our 70th Anniversary on our blog here.)


This week, meet Jean Ballew! She is a valuable part of our staff that takes care of many of our office needs. She began to volunteer at the office and at Good News Club in 2016. She first learned about the ministry when a friend became a Summer Missionary with CEF Greenville.

“ I began supporting her, because I love her and I loved what she was doing. I really didn’t know much about the ministry until January of 2016, when Taylor’s mom recommended me as an office volunteer. At that point, as I learned about CEF and Good News Club, I fell in love with the ministry, and have volunteered and supported it ever since. And I plan to until I die, or Jesus returns, whichever comes first!”

Her favorite part of working with CEF is seeing children and families come to Christ, knowing that the lives of hundreds, even thousands, of children are changed forever through the incredible work of the Holy Spirit, taught and led by GNC volunteers who desire to be a change for good in this old world. She shares her favorite memory below:

I have many favorite memories of working with CEF Greenville, but I will relate this one. As many people who know me know, I have a daughter and school age grandchildren who live in Kershaw County of SC. For many years, Kershaw County, along with a wide swath of other SC counties, had no GNC’s in their schools, which amounted to countless  numbers of unreached children. I began praying that the ministry would expand to these areas; my beloved friends and coworkers prayed along with me that God would orchestrate the details to make GNCs in Kershaw County schools a reality. My friends were so faithful to pray with me. They were patient to listen to my pleas, so that when the first GNC opened in an elementary school in Kershaw County schools, not only was I privileged to be a part of those first club meetings, my CEF Greenville friends knew how much it meant to me, and rejoiced with me. As a volunteer going to brand new clubs, I was so very blessed to be able to tap in to their expertise. They were so gracious in sharing invaluable information to help clubs get off the ground in a new territory. The pandemic has meant that clubs there have been interrupted. But there has been a start, and that is enough for the gospel to continue to be taught when hopefully schools reopen their doors for clubs in the fall.


She feels very privileged to have grown up surrounding by believing adults who taught her of Christ from a young age, and to have had an army of Christian adults who taught her in church all the years of her life. “I am grateful for this legacy, and stand in awe of the responsibility it has given me to give back.”

70th Anniversary Highlight: Paula Edwards

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2021 is the Platinum Anniversary of CEF of South Carolina!

One way we’re celebrating is to highlight one of our staff members each week. (You can read more about our 70th Anniversary on our blog here.)


This week, meet Paula Edwards! She is our office extraordinaire here at CEF Greenville and makes sure everything stays running smoothly. She has been on staff since January of 1999. She first discovered CEF through her daughter, Shannon. Shannon’s college roommate introduced Shannon to CEF and Shannon worked for CEF after getting married. Paula and her husband, Sonny, were asked to serve on the board and did so from 1995-1998.

Her favorite thing about CEF is how they’re able to share the Good News of Jesus with children, and she says “it has been such a blessing to work with wonderful people who love God and want to reach the children with the love of Jesus.” One of her favorite things about serving with CEF Greenville in particular is working with the summer missionaries—one time she walked into the office on their last day and found that it had been rolled from ceiling to floor with toilet paper! She shares about her mother below:

I would have to say my Mother had the biggest impact on my Christian life.  The verses in Deuteronomy  about teaching your children daily as you walk and talk with them.  This was what my Mother did.  She would discover some new verse or learn something new in a Bible Study and she would be excited and always share and teach me love God’s Word.


Child Evangelism Fellowship Receives 2021 Best of Taylors Award

Press Release

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Child Evangelism Fellowship Receives 2021 Best of Taylors Award

Taylors Award Program Honors the Achievement

TAYLORS April 14, 2021 -- Child Evangelism Fellowship has been selected for the 2021 Best of Taylors Award in the Youth Organization category by the Taylors Award Program.

Each year, the Taylors Award Program identifies companies that we believe have achieved exceptional marketing success in their local community and business category. These are local companies that enhance the positive image of small business through service to their customers and our community. These exceptional companies help make the Taylors area a great place to live, work and play.

Various sources of information were gathered and analyzed to choose the winners in each category. The 2021 Taylors Award Program focuses on quality, not quantity. Winners are determined based on the information gathered both internally by the Taylors Award Program and data provided by third parties.

About Taylors Award Program

The Taylors Award Program is an annual awards program honoring the achievements and accomplishments of local businesses throughout the Taylors area. Recognition is given to those companies that have shown the ability to use their best practices and implemented programs to generate competitive advantages and long-term value.

The Taylors Award Program was established to recognize the best of local businesses in our community. Our organization works exclusively with local business owners, trade groups, professional associations and other business advertising and marketing groups. Our mission is to recognize the small business community's contributions to the U.S. economy.

SOURCE: Taylors Award Program

Taylors Award Program


70th Anniversary Highlight: Kinley Prince

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2021 is the Platinum Anniversary of CEF of South Carolina!

One way we’re celebrating is to highlight one of our staff members each week. (You can read more about our 70th Anniversary on our blog here.)


This week, meet Kinley Prince! He is a ministry coordinator here at CEF Greenville and actually started working here at age 16 with CYIA. He joined the staff in 2013. He was already familiar with CEF, as he had attended Good News Club in 5th grade at Buena Vista Elementary! His favorite part of working for CEF Greenville is serving with the volunteers and seeing their hearts for the children—”It is such a blessing!”
He said he absolutely LOVES our August Back-to-School workshops. Seeing everyone after the summer and getting to connect, learn, and pray together are some of his favorite memories.

 He shared this story of getting to connect with a child in club: 

“A few years ago, I was helping start a Good News Club at a school that had never had a club before. When the children started coming in, I saw a group of children and I could tell that they thought they ran the school. The ringleader was a little red headed third grader. And lucky me, I was grade shepherding the third grade group. This boy, whose name I found out was Harrison, proceeded to walk up to me and say, “My mom signed me up for Good News Club but she did it without my permission.” He did NOT want to be there and his actions showed it. He did not participate during club and was disrespectful to the volunteers. He would distract other children and was mean to some of the younger ones. He often said, “I hate coming to Good News Club.” So you can imagine my surprise when Harrison responded to the invitation one week. When I asked him if he had ever sinned, he began to cry and replied, “Yes, especially in Good News Club.” That afternoon, Harrison accepted Jesus as his savior. The next week, Harrison was the first one in Good News Club. He came running up to me and said, “I am so excited to be here! I’ve been waiting for you to come back all week!” And he really was. As club went on, and he grew in his knowledge of God, he began to treat the other children with kindness. He was always so excited to see the volunteers and told his teachers how much he loved coming to Good News Club and learning about God. He even started helping out in club with the review games and the songs. The more he learned about who God really was, the more his behavior changed. More and more parts of his life were aligning with God’s will for him. This is God’s desire for his children. What a blessing to witness!”


70th Anniversary Highlight: Ashley Prince

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2021 is the Platinum Anniversary of CEF of South Carolina!

One way we’re celebrating is to highlight one of our staff members each week. (You can read more about our 70th Anniversary on our blog here.)


This week, meet Ashley Prince! Ashley is a Media Coordinator here at CEF Greenville. She started working for CEF Greenville in March of 2018, and her favorite part of working for CEF Greenville is being able to do ministry alongside her coworkers. “I think of them as my family, and they have wonderfully exemplified Christ through their work with CEF, as well as ministering to my family and I personally.” She remembers specifically working at one of the Good News Clubs where she was a grade shepherd for kindergarteners. Those relationships were so fun and precious!

She thought she was new to the world of CEF, but found out later that wasn’t the case!

“I thought I was introduced to CEF in early 2018 when I came on staff. However... my family often attended the Southern Baptist Convention together, and, in the early 2000s, I remember a man there teaching my sisters and I 1 Corinthians 15:3-4, as well as giving me a devotional book. The man’s heart and animated teaching style made such an impression on me, that she never forgot that interaction. It was not until I began studying the Wordless Book in preparation working with CEF, that I realized that the devotional had been published by CEF, and the man was a CEF missionary.”

 She also shared about the impact her parents had on her faith journey:

“My dad was a man of very strong convictions, and he and my mom were very intentional in teaching us the things of God. They would alternate praying with us every night before bed, and it made a huge difference in my childhood.”


70th Anniversary Highlight: Rachael Cline

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 2021 is the Platinum Anniversary of CEF of South Carolina!

One way we’re celebrating is to highlight one of our staff members each week. (You can read more about our 70th Anniversary on our blog here.)


This week, meet Rachael Cline. She serves as a ministry coordinator and CYIA coordinator here at CEF Greenville. She first heard about CEF from her cousin who attended a Good News Club at her elementary school! Rachael started working with CEF Greenville as an intern 2 years ago and came on staff fulltime shortly after in February 2020. Her favorite part of working with CEF Greenville is having community with other Christ followers.

”We all work together for a common goal and that’s to be the hands and feet of Jesus sharing the gospel with others.”

Her favorite memory so far includes overcoming the obstacles facing CYIA (Christian Youth in Action) last summer as we stared in the face of our first COVID summer. She says the summer was transformative for both her and the summer missionaries she led throughout the season.

One of the stories she shared about being able to minister to a child is included below:


 “ I was able to minister to a child from a community club here in Greenville, SC. After the Bible lesson he had many questions from it. He wanted more of an explanation of peace and the peace only Jesus can give us. I could tell he so badly wanted that peace, I wish I could give it to him in that moment. I realized that wasn’t my role, my role was to point him to Jesus because he is the only one who can give us that peace. I was quickly reminded of Philippians 4:7 “And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.” So I had him read it to me, and we broke down the verse and what it meant. After we talked about it more you could see that big smile on his face. This was a moment God showed me just how powerful he is and he works in mysterious ways. Truly how my thoughts are not his thoughts, and my ways are not his ways. “


70th Anniversary Highlight: Cindy Griner

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2021 is the Platinum Anniversary of CEF of South Carolina!

One way we’re celebrating is to highlight one of our staff members each week. (You can read more about our 70th Anniversary on our blog here.)


This week, meet Cindy Griner! She is a Ministry Coordinator and the Director of Training here at CEF Greenville. She started out volunteering in 1995 and served in that capacity until joining the staff 10 years later! She actually was quite familiar with CEF—her parents were church-planting missionaries in Brazil and used the CEF curriculum for VBS and children’s church. She started teaching that curriculum when she was only 12 years old. Her favorite part of working with CEF Greenville is teaching. Children, teens, adults—all ages have found their way under Cindy’s tutelage.  All of her favorite memories revolve around being able to lead children to the Savior.

 She tells this story of the adults that had the biggest impact on her as a child:


“My parents had an enormous impact on my life in creating a desire in my heart to serve the Lord. At ages 3 & 4 I was encourage to sing about Jesus in front of churches. From 5-11 I helped with church planting by handing out invitations, folding tracts, coloring visuals, etc. From 12-18 I had my own Sunday School class and helped with all kinds of other children’s activities. At 12 I was encourage to start ventriloquism and was able to use that often in church planting. As a teen I engaged the teens at work and school and saw many come to know the Lord as Savior and are still serving Him today. Another way of encouraging service was spending family time together around Scripture and a serious Scripture Memory focus from age 4-18. All the verses I remember today were those learned as a child. I thank the Lord for the legacy my parents gave me! “
