America is unique in the fact that we have a day set aside for the sole purpose of being thankful. For many of us, it only takes us a moment to think of things to be thankful for, such as food, shelter, freedom, family, and- for those of us who are Christians- Jesus. We celebrate Thanksgiving as a reminder of the hardships and oppression that the pilgrims suffered in their journey to a world free from governmental restraints. It is also a time to reflect on our blessings.
Though it is important that we recognize and remember these events, what about the other 364 days in the year? Is it possible that we get so hung up in our busyness, that our thanksgiving gets left behind for the rest of the year? As Americans and as Christians we have much for which to be thankful.
Many of the pilgrims who celebrated the first Thanksgiving, came to America in pursuit of religious freedom. As we attend Sunday church services, weekly Bible studies, and other gatherings with fellow believers, it is easy to forget what a privilege each of these opportunities are. We are blessed to live in a country where we have the freedom to worship how we choose. Many of our Christian brothers and sisters around the world risk their lives daily just for gathering to worship.
Not only do we live in a country where we have religious freedom, but we also have the right to elect those in power in our country and let our voices be heard concerning issues about which we are passionate. We aren’t told where to work, where to live, or what to wear. There are many freedoms we experience daily that we so easily take for granted.
We have the freedom to be thankful- to publicly praise the Lord for all He has done for us. As we go about our daily routines, let each decision we make remind us how blessed we are to be able to make them.