II Timothy 4:2—preach the word; be ready in season and out of season; correct, rebuke, encourage—with great patience and careful instruction.
I admit that I love the change of seasons. As we move into late September, I get excited about the changes that will occur as a result of Autumn approaching. I love the colors, smells and temperatures of the Fall. I often tell friends and family, “I’m SO ready for Fall!”
II Timothy 4:2 indicates something different about the season of God’s Word. While we may anxiously await some “seasons” to come around, be it football or a new as-signment or retirement, Paul is speaking with urgency in this passage about preaching the Word of God. Instead of waiting, Paul instructs us to be prepared to share God’s Word all the time, whether the circumstance seems favorable or not. We don’t have to long for just the right time—the time is now to share the Gospel, to correct sin, to encourage others and to do those things with the same grace that Jesus shows us. The Gospel message is never out of season! What are you ready for?
For His Glory,
Lisa V Yerrick
Attendance of 414 volunteers who came to be trained and refreshed at the Fall Back-to-School workshop in late August.
Good News Clubs meeting in 101 elementary schools around the upstate this Fall.
For changed-lives as a result of salvation through Christ Jesus.
Prayer Requests
That God’s provision for the ministry would be bountiful for the coming year, through our three Annual Fundraising Banquets this month.
That all who have an influence on children in this ministry would be willing to go deeper with God in their own spiritual walk.
That God would stir the hearts of servants in churches he has chosen to be partners with school Good News Clubs that are in need.
For volunteers and staff - energy, focus, and joy in our mission