The Value of ONE
Luke 15:10 “...there is joy before the angels of God over one sinner who repents.” (ESV)
In a world where quantity means so much, it is challenging to remember the value of one. As we finish a unique year of ministry, the quantity by which we measure success has had to be set aside. This year has NOT seen 130 clubs in 119 locations, hosted by 1,600+ volunteers from 125 churches, ministering to almost 10,000 children. Some would say, compared to last year’s statistics, our ministry has failed miserably in 2020.
The 15th chapter of Luke is a beautiful reminder of the value of one. Jesus is being judged by religious leaders because he was keeping company with the unseemly members of that society—sinners. In his response to them Jesus shares three stories of something valuable lost. The first story is that of a man who has lost a sheep—one of his 100 sheep. Those listening can relate to leaving the 99 sheep to find the one. When the sheep is found, the man tells all his friends because he is so glad to have found the ONE. Next Jesus tells the story of a woman who loses a silver coin—one of 10. She searches diligently until she locates it and is filled with joy to find the ONE.
Finally, Jesus shares the story of the prodigal son, one of two sons, who chooses selfishly, leaves his family and indulges his earthly desires until he has nothing. As he returns home in humility, he is received with great celebration because this ONE son has been found. Each parable highlights the value of ONE. The owner assigns significance to each animal, coin and son- they are EACH unique and irreplaceable.
This same lesson applies to children served by this ministry. Don’t be discouraged with small quantities and statistics during this time—there is heavenly rejoicing in ONE lost soul who comes to know Jesus. Remember that God sent his ONE son to earth, who experienced ONE death and resurrection to become the ONE way for you to be redeemed. Dear ONE, you are irreplaceable to God.
O come, let us adore HIM,
Lisa V. Yerrick
For volunteers & churches conducting GNC in new ways.
For the heart of donors as they support God’s work in this ministry.
For the learning and character that God has developed in his people this year.
Prayer Requests
For God to expand our reach to children in the coming months outside of schools.
For children, parents, volunteers, churches and staff to know God better in the coming year and act in obedience to his will.
For additional volunteers willing to carry the Gospel to children.
For ministry leaders locally, in our state, our nation and around the world to act with God’s vision for CEF.
That the body of Christ, the church, will act in compassion and love to a lost and hopeless world.
For our ability to maintain relationships with schools locally, in our state and our nation.
For new vaccines to be safe and effective in fighting COVID-19 and for the many health care workers who are serving tirelessly and selflessly to meet patient needs.
“Then you will call upon me and come and pray to me, and I will hear you.” Jeremiah 29:12