70th Anniversary Highlight: Donna Rogers

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2021 is the Platinum Anniversary of CEF of South Carolina!

One way we’re celebrating is to highlight one of our staff members each week. (You can read more about our 70th Anniversary on our blog here.)


This week, meet Donna Rogers! She is in her 6th year of serving as a Ministry Coordinator. After a friend told her they were looking for a school coordinator for a local school, to which she responded “I don’t work with children!” She felt the Lord encouraging her to talk to a Ministry Coordinator on staff, and 6 years later, here she is! Her favorite part of working for CEF Greenville Piedmont is watching children light up when learn more about Jesus and eventually receive Him as their Savior. She also loves getting to know their families! Her favorite memory goes like this:

“I had a child in my club at Nevitt Forest and she was driving me nuts. So I decided one day I was going to talk with her about her behavior. When I got to quiet place, the Lord seemed to be pressing me to kneel down in front of her. So I was at her eyelevel at that point and instead of ‘reading the riot act to her, out of my mouth came “you know, I love you” and yes even to my own surprise she looked at me in amazement and said ‘you do?” and I said ‘yes’, and that changed everything!! Her behavior and my heart were changed!”

She also shared the following story:

“For about a year during 2019, the Lord allowed me the privilege of taking one of our children at club to my church. Her parents didn’t go to church, but they wanted her to go so I took her with me. The first time was to a Christmas event and when we walked into the church she said, “wow, so this is what a church looks like!” and I said “have you never been in a church?’, and she said ‘no.’ So for the rest of that year she was able to attend church with me. She also became a believer and the light that shone out of her big brown eyes was so indicative that Jesus had taken up residence, that others could see it too”
