Dear Friends of CEF,
The year 2023 has been full of exciting changes. In December of 2022 the Lord began giving me some discernible lessons in His timing and in my own ability to trust His timing. I have had a ring-side seat for months watching Him work, mastering details and timetables in ways that I could not. I never dreamed that as I watched and trusted, that the coming changes would be so personal. Alas, in all that has happened with CEF ®, God has shown me that my time with the ministry has come to an end.
I believe God has called me to a different ministry opportunity through my church, so I am stepping away from CEF. While this change has brought an abundance of emotions and questions, I am assured that God’s planning can be not only trusted, but also celebrated. He is doing a new thing that is better than we might ask or imagine. As I step away from CEF leadership, God has put into place a leader with whom most of you are familiar, Kinley Prince. God has prepared Kinley for this season and knowingly placed him at the helm of CEF to move the ministry forward.
I am grateful for my time with CEF, and I am so excited for the future of this ministry! Thank you for praying for, supporting, and loving the ministry during my tenure. It has been my privilege to labor alongside each partner of this ministry and I look forward to seeing His continued work in CEF. May you each be richly blessed by His mercies.
Ephesians 2:10- “For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them.”
Lisa Yerrick
My Fellow Partners in Ministry,
Someone recently asked me what I liked most about working with CEF ®. I excitedly began to share about an exceptional and sacrificial staff, exciting and unparalleled ministry programs, an outstanding and genuinely caring volunteer base, gracious and generous donors, and encouraging supporters. Their reply to me was simple and humorous: “So… everything?” Well, to answer truthfully, yes! I love everything about the ministry of Child Evangelism Fellowship®!
I have been a part of almost every CEF ministry— from the age of 11 years old when I was enrolled in a local Good News Club®, to high school and college where I spent five summers participating in the Christian Youth in Action®, program, to coming on staff with CEF full time 10 years ago. The Lord has used almost every ministry of CEF to influence my life in some way, and I am humbled and honored by the opportunity to now serve Him by leading the Greenville/Piedmont Chapter.
The word “change” usually does not instill feelings of comfort and relaxation. The past few months have certainly brought some big changes for our chapter of CEF, with the move to a new office space for the first time in 18 years. I am personally thankful that we can rest in a loving God who never changes – ever! Hebrews 13:8 reminds us that, “Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever.” He never changes; therefore, His purposes never change.
I am looking forward to working and serving with each of you in this new role of Local Director. We are partners in ministry. Whether you have partnered with us financially, voluntarily, or prayerfully, we can continue to work together, despite a changing world, to bring hope to the children. Every child, every nation, every day.
Grace & Peace,
Kinley Prince