Dear Prayer Partners,
In Jeremiah 33:3, Jesus says, "Call to me and I will answer you and tell you great and unsearchable things you do not know." Our staff at CEF is grateful for your faithful intercession as together we call to the Lord on behalf of this ministry.
- We praise God for four teenagers committed to being summer missionaries. Last week we were at Columbia International University in Columbia, SC for a week of intensive training with other students from around the state. This week our staff is leading local training during the mornings and then supervising the summer missionaries in the afternoon as they teach the children in summer Good News Clubs. We will have the first week in July off and then clubs will resume for the remainder of July.
Prayer Requests:
- Pray for the summer missionaries. Pray for their safety as they travel to clubs, for good health and daily stamina, for a spirit of oneness in Christ, for their own personal lives to be deeply enriched during our weekly Bible study, and for God to use the summer missionaries to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
- Pray for the Summer Good News Clubs and ask God to prepare the hearts of the children to receive Him and to be discipled.
- Pray for our staff - specifically that God would provide strength, endurance, health, joy, and quietness in Him during these busy summer months of maintaining the office, mentoring the summer missionaries, and preparing for ministry in the upcoming school year.
- Pray for additional churches to cast the vision to their congregations to partner with us for a Good News Club. Pray also for additional community partners to provide additional volunteers and to support us financially. Continue to ask God to send out workers into his harvest field and convict more believers of His Word, "Even so it is not the will of your Father, which is in heaven, that one of these little ones should perish."
Thank you for joining us in prayer and experiencing the presence of God and inviting His presence into our lives and circumstances.
For His glory,
Lisa Yerrick