October Prayer Update

Devoted to Prayer

Colossians 4:2 “Devote yourselves to prayer with an alert mind and a thankful heart.” (NLT)

To “devote” is to give all or a large part of one’s time or resources to something or someone. If you examine another person’s life, habits, time and/or money, it is fairly easy to see to what or whom their devotion is attached. Devotion compels us toward something, regardless of feelings in the moment. Devotion draws us to something beyond and bigger than ourselves.

Sometimes what begins with devotion leads to idolatry. When our devotion to something or someone causes us to act in ways that are self-serving, irresponsible, reckless, addictive, and/or harmful to others, we have probably crossed the line into something beyond devotion. We see many examples of people moving from devotion to idolatry in many areas of life, such as children, job/career, sports, provision for family, hobbies, control, relationships, fitness, personal accomplishment, and even church work. It isn’t the person or activity that determines idolatry, but the motivations of our heart. To what or whom are you devoted?

Paul, in speaking to the Colossian church, urged them to be devoted to prayer—to be compelled toward conversation with God. How different life in this world might be if our greatest devotion was to this unceasing conversation. If you search, you will find numerous scripture passages
about prayer because God, as our creator and father, wants to be in

constant conversation with his children. That conversation is one way we get to know him.

I wonder if you will join the global ministry of Child Evangelism Fellowship in prayer on Wednesday, November 4th for CEF World Day of Prayer?
On That day, across the globe, people will be praying for the ministry, the children whom we serve, volunteers, staff and ministry leaders. Our office will be open to guests all day to spend time in our prayer room, taking the requests of this ministry before the Lord. We will also have a virtual option in which you can participate by going to www.cefgreenville.com. We would love to see you, but ask that you be devoted to pray wherever you may be.

For His Glory,

Lisa V. Yerrick


  • For volunteers & churches conducting GNC in new ways this fall!

  • For blessings & generosity in the midst of a challenging season.

  • For the grace God shows in times of challenge, change and learning. Praises

Prayer Requests

  • For access to greater numbers of children during the current health crisis.

  • For schools, children, parents, volunteers, churches and staff as CEF learns new ways of educating, caring for and sharing God’s love with children locally, in our state, our nation and around the world.

  • For additional volunteers willing to carry the Gospel to children.

  • For ministry leaders locally, in our state, our nation and around the world to act

    with God’s vision for CEF.

  • For financial provision of the ministry locally, in our state, our nation and

    around the world.

  • For our ability to maintain relationships with schools locally, in our state and our nation.

  • For God to bless the hearts, hands and minds of scientists searching for a vaccine against COVID-19 and for the many health care workers who are serving tirelessly and selflessly to meet patient needs.

    Then you will call upon me and come and pray to me, and I will hear you.Jeremiah 29:12