July Prayer Update


The Beauty of Storms

Nahum 1:7 “ The Lord is good, a stronghold in the day of trouble; he knows those who take refuge in him.” (ESV)

I have loved the afternoon thunderstorms lately. I don’t have to water the garden on the days when it gets a deluge of rain following the scorching sun. But I really enjoy watching storms. I learned that from my mother. After running through the house in the middle of the night to close all the windows of our non-air-conditioned house during a storm, we would stand at a picture window in the dark and just watch. I remember thinking as a child how beautiful they were and that I was watching the powerful hand of God. I still get those feelings today.

The thing about storms is that they can truly create fear and at times even cause damage. Rain and hail fall with such force! Thunder roars and bolts of electricity touching ground from the sky is dramatic! The turbulence created by the change in wind speed and direction can be frightful! Turbulence is also created from warm air and cold air coming against each other, or from friction between the air and the ground. Collectively, these elements can feel so alarming that we want to run for cover!

We have seen thunderstorms lately, but we have also experienced the winds of change in our comfortable routines due to health and economic crises. We have witnessed race, citizen and political parties come against each other, creating friction between neighbors, friends and family members. Nahum says that God is a stronghold, a fortified, secure place; that inner room where we seek safe shelter from the storm.

But storms are not all bad—they also generate good. They bring water to the parched ground so growth can occur. They bring cool breezes that relieve the heat that stifles us. Ultimately, they cleanse the oppressive atmosphere. You have a fortress during the storm—God. Perhaps he is using a storm in your life to grow, relieve or cleanse you. Take refuge in him.

For His Glory,

Lisa V. Yerrick


  • For eight (8) summer missionaries who are trained and going out this week to share the Gospel with children in our community!

  •  For technology that allows us to reach children when we can’t meet in person.

  • For the challenges we face which drive us to God, seeking his will, witnessing his resolve and observing his provision.

Prayer Requests

  • For God’s wisdom and direction as we plan for Good News Club

    this fall.

  • For school, community, state and national leaders as they make decisions in light of the health crisis.

  • God to bless the hearts, hands and minds of scientists searching for a vaccination against COVID-19 and for the many health care workers who are serving tirelessly and selflessly to meet patient needs.

  • That we capture new opportunities by which we can minister to children; that we have energy to learn and grow in new ways.