Back2School Workshop


Yes...the kick-off workshop happens in only 3 weeks!!  Hopefully you have contacted your principal and have emailed/faxed/mailed your Principal Visit Form to us.  If so, then you should have received your Registration Form for this school year. Most school districts are having their "Meet the Teacher" on August 16th...only two weeks from now!  This is a great opportunity to distribute the Registration Form to the children and meet their parents.  Just a few days after "Meet the Teacher" we will have an awesome workshop for all GNC volunteers.  The following is information you need to know and share:

1.  The first workshop is Saturday, August 25th, at Taylors First Baptist Church from 9 am to 2 pm.  The schedule is available here.  Please forward it to all of your volunteers.  There are many breakout choices for every Good News Club volunteer, so please encourage your team to attend this training and also receive credit towards the Member's Club fees and DSS credit for those who need it.

2.  We will be providing complimentary snacks and lunch for each attendee.

3.  FYI...we will be offering a special "Junior Leader Track" again for rising 5th graders.  This is a great way to get/keep your 5th graders involved and excited about Good News Club.  Contact your 4th graders from last year, as well as homeschooled middle school age youth, to participate in these sessions of the workshop.

4.  Good News Clubs begin the week of September 10th.

5.  It's not too early to sign up for Teaching Children Effectively (TCE)!  This is a life-changing course and is highly recommended and encouraged for all teachers, pastors and volunteers in your Good News Club.  Having a TCE trained teacher in your club also gives you a $25 annual credit towards Member's Club for each teacher.  We will be offering TCE in  Anderson at Oakdale Baptist Church in the evenings beginning September 10th and in Taylors at our office in the mornings beginning September 12th. For complete information and a printable flier, please click here.

Let's make this the best year ever for Good News Clubs...reaching and ministering to the children of the Upstate.  Thank you for your willing hearts and service to the children.

For His glory,

Lisa Yerrick
Local Director